NARROWEST - vertaling naar arabisch
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NARROWEST - vertaling naar arabisch



حَرَّجَ ; حَصَرَ ; ضَيَّقَ


حَرِج ; حَريج ; ضَيِّق ; مُخْتَنَق ; مَضِيق

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Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor NARROWEST
1. "The mouse is probably the narrowest straw
2. on the narrowest point, it's about 90 feet
The Fall of the Berlin Wall _ Axel Martens _ Talks at Google
3. I've got the narrowest beam width in the world.
Skycorp and the ISEE-3 Reboot Project _ Dennis Wingo _ Talks at Google
4. So that's the narrowest diameter instead of four inches.
The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling _ Meathead Goldwyn _ Talks at Google
5. is one of the countries in Asia with the narrowest gender gap.
Women and Leadership _ Sheila Lirio Marcelo _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor NARROWEST
1. Bush was elected by the narrowest of margins in 2000.
2. Mr Berlusconi is still refusing to recognise Mr Prodi‘s election victory – the narrowest in Italian history.
3. For his part, Calderon insists he won the vote fairly, albeit by the narrowest of margins.
4. His election, by the narrowest of margins, represented a major turning point in Israeli politics.
5. Among all voters, Obama enjoyed a five–point lead, his narrowest margin yet.